Before doing stemology, people should be aware of how stem cell are stored in stemology. It is a task which involves great talent and skills to store the stem cells. The storing of stem cells have undergone through various kind of process like collecting of stem cell from the cord blood cell of mother and her newly born child, handling of these stem cells, storing them in freezer and securing it from contamination.
1. Collecting of stem cell from its origin: These cells are generally collected from peripheral blood, bone marrow and umbilical cord blood cells. Mostly this cells are found in the part of bone marrow. So it is generally get extracted from thee parts.

2. Handling of stem cells: By applying certain methodology the cell debris and polluting influences is washed. By this, the cell is made properly unadulterated. The cell has a part namely plasma which contain the elements like sodium, potassium, imperative minerals; and calcium which is needed to be removed since it does not play any role in it. Red platelet are removed with the process of solidifying and defrosting. Evacuation of red platelets has a number of other preferences. It can be used in ways without having the fear of blood miss match. RBC is expelled from the stem cell so that it can be used in the later situation.
3. The extraction are stored in the freezer which is known as the cryogenic freezer. With the aim to safely keep the sample
To consider the storage of stem cell one must be awe to know that how stem cells are stored. It can be implicitly stored under safe condition till it is needed to use it.
In the worldwide it is accepted by most of the parents to preserve the stem cells from her umbilical cord blood cell which not only take care of her child health but also take care of their family members and partially of their siblings and if they wish they can donate their stem cells so that it could be utilized by some other person in the treatment of dangerous diseases.

In the worldwide it is accepted by most of the parents to preserve the stem cells from her umbilical cord blood cell which not only take care of her child health but also take care of their family members and partially of their siblings and if they wish they can donate their stem cells so that it could be utilized by some other person in the treatment of dangerous diseases.
There are loads of research that has been carried out from years ago to maintain a proper health and prevent the human body from the serious diseases. The function of stem cell is to prevent us from such diseases. It has really play an important role in curing more that 80 diseases and now also research are going on finding out a possible way it will help us and surely it will be beneficial for us in future.